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Function big.drglm aimed to fit GLMs to datasets larger in size that can not be stored in memory. It uses popular divide and recombine technique to handle large data sets efficiently.


big.drglm(data.generator, formula, chunks, family)



Using the function to initialize the data reading function with the data set path and chunk size, then the data.generate is used directly as data source for the big.drglm function.


An entity belonging to the "formula" class (or one that can be transformed into that class) represents a symbolic representation of the model that needs to be adjusted. Specifics about how the model is defined can be found in the 'Details' section.


Number of subsets to be divided.


An explanation of the error distribution that will be implemented in the model.


A Generalized Linear Model is fitted in "Divide & Recombine" approach using preferred number of chunks to data set. A list of model coefficients is estimated using divide and recombine method with the respective standard error of estimates.


  • Xi, R., Lin, N., & Chen, Y. (2009). Compression and aggregation for logistic regression analysis in data cubes. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 21(4).

  • Chen, Y., Dong, G., Han, J., Pei, J., Wah, B. W., & Wang, J. (2006). Regression cubes with losseless compression and aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 18(12).

  • Zuo, W., & Li, Y. (2018). A New Stochastic Restricted Liu Estimator for the Logistic Regression Model. Open Journal of Statistics, 08(01).

  • Karim, M. R., & Islam, M. A. (2019). Reliability and Survival Analysis. In Reliability and Survival Analysis.

  • Enea, M. (2009) Fitting Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models with large data sets in R.

  • Bates, D. (2009) Technical Report on Least Square Calculations.

  • Lumley, T. (2009) biglm package documentation.

See also


MH Nayem


# Create a toy dataset
# Number of rows to be generated
n <- 10000

# Creating dataset
dataset <- data.frame(
  Var_1 = round(rnorm(n, mean = 50, sd = 10)),
  Var_2 = round(rnorm(n, mean = 7.5, sd = 2.1)),
  Var_3 = as.factor(sample(c("0", "1"), n, replace = TRUE)),
  Var_4 = as.factor(sample(c("0", "1", "2"), n, replace = TRUE)),
  Var_5 = as.factor(sample(0:15, n, replace = TRUE)),
  Var_6 = round(rnorm(n, mean = 60, sd = 5))

# Save the dataset to a temporary file
temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(dataset, file = temp_file, row.names = FALSE)

# Path to the temporary file
dataset_path <- temp_file
dataset_path  # Display the path to the temporary file
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpAw2DLw/file17d538cedc28.csv"

# Initialize the data reading function with the data set path and chunk size
da <-, chunksize = 1000)
# Fitting MLR Models
nmodel <- drglm::big.drglm(da,
formula = Var_1 ~ Var_2+ factor(Var_3)+factor(Var_4)+ factor(Var_5)+ Var_6,
10, family="gaussian")
# View the results table
#>                    Estimate standard error    t value   Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)     51.72130615     1.32114969 39.1487102 0.00000000
#> Var_2            0.02094802     0.04748735  0.4411285 0.65911997
#> factor(Var_3)1  -0.13949603     0.20171843 -0.6915384 0.48922728
#> factor(Var_4)1   0.38350656     0.24833980  1.5442815 0.12252015
#> factor(Var_4)2   0.23785108     0.24752089  0.9609334 0.33658568
#> factor(Var_5)1  -1.06696639     0.56657382 -1.8831904 0.05967457
#> factor(Var_5)2  -0.80267657     0.56004238 -1.4332426 0.15178853
#> factor(Var_5)3  -0.64240893     0.56243644 -1.1421894 0.25337531
#> factor(Var_5)4  -0.87049071     0.56948141 -1.5285674 0.12637173
#> factor(Var_5)5  -0.51662926     0.56337343 -0.9170281 0.35912793
#> factor(Var_5)6  -0.51405571     0.56179393 -0.9150254 0.36017830
#> factor(Var_5)7  -0.68371489     0.56680847 -1.2062538 0.22771963
#> factor(Var_5)8  -0.83233284     0.56987357 -1.4605570 0.14413705
#> factor(Var_5)9  -0.76583552     0.56309505 -1.3600466 0.17381517
#> factor(Var_5)10 -0.69443427     0.56813346 -1.2223083 0.22159105
#> factor(Var_5)11 -0.75598173     0.55912331 -1.3520841 0.17634842
#> factor(Var_5)12 -1.32332553     0.56884076 -2.3263550 0.01999962
#> factor(Var_5)13 -0.76349854     0.56265917 -1.3569468 0.17479812
#> factor(Var_5)14 -0.60991931     0.57137187 -1.0674647 0.28576204
#> factor(Var_5)15  0.14287426     0.57115597  0.2501493 0.80247190
#> Var_6           -0.02291395     0.02004498 -1.1431264 0.25298613
#>                            95% CI
#> (Intercept)     [ 49.13 , 54.31 ]
#> Var_2            [ -0.07 , 0.11 ]
#> factor(Var_3)1   [ -0.53 , 0.26 ]
#> factor(Var_4)1    [ -0.1 , 0.87 ]
#> factor(Var_4)2   [ -0.25 , 0.72 ]
#> factor(Var_5)1   [ -2.18 , 0.04 ]
#> factor(Var_5)2    [ -1.9 , 0.29 ]
#> factor(Var_5)3   [ -1.74 , 0.46 ]
#> factor(Var_5)4   [ -1.99 , 0.25 ]
#> factor(Var_5)5   [ -1.62 , 0.59 ]
#> factor(Var_5)6   [ -1.62 , 0.59 ]
#> factor(Var_5)7   [ -1.79 , 0.43 ]
#> factor(Var_5)8   [ -1.95 , 0.28 ]
#> factor(Var_5)9   [ -1.87 , 0.34 ]
#> factor(Var_5)10  [ -1.81 , 0.42 ]
#> factor(Var_5)11  [ -1.85 , 0.34 ]
#> factor(Var_5)12 [ -2.44 , -0.21 ]
#> factor(Var_5)13  [ -1.87 , 0.34 ]
#> factor(Var_5)14  [ -1.73 , 0.51 ]
#> factor(Var_5)15  [ -0.98 , 1.26 ]
#> Var_6            [ -0.06 , 0.02 ]
# Fitting logistic Regression Model
bmodel <- drglm::big.drglm(da,
formula = factor(Var_3) ~ Var_1+ Var_2+ factor(Var_4)+ factor(Var_5)+ Var_6,
10, family="binomial")
# View the results table
#>                      Estimate Odds Ratio standard error     z value   Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)      0.0952195429  1.0999003    0.286765015  0.33204728 0.73985356
#> Var_1           -0.0013836918  0.9986173    0.002045315 -0.67651761 0.49871207
#> Var_2           -0.0004142688  0.9995858    0.009605457 -0.04312848 0.96559912
#> factor(Var_4)1   0.0184132664  1.0185838    0.050213834  0.36669708 0.71384499
#> factor(Var_4)2   0.0863909757  1.0902325    0.050044304  1.72628990 0.08429527
#> factor(Var_5)1  -0.1066254801  0.8988623    0.114997732 -0.92719637 0.35382459
#> factor(Var_5)2  -0.0591881914  0.9425294    0.113290817 -0.52244474 0.60136071
#> factor(Var_5)3  -0.0807833291  0.9223935    0.113929295 -0.70906547 0.47828385
#> factor(Var_5)4   0.0229787647  1.0232448    0.115269581  0.19934804 0.84199051
#> factor(Var_5)5  -0.0057667632  0.9942498    0.113913596 -0.05062401 0.95962513
#> factor(Var_5)6   0.0254936407  1.0258214    0.113816898  0.22398819 0.82276649
#> factor(Var_5)7   0.0233435801  1.0236182    0.114746435  0.20343621 0.83879410
#> factor(Var_5)8  -0.0092262931  0.9908161    0.115149070 -0.08012477 0.93613802
#> factor(Var_5)9  -0.1390418914  0.8701916    0.114051937 -1.21911030 0.22280233
#> factor(Var_5)10  0.0532619633  1.0547059    0.114808460  0.46392020 0.64270492
#> factor(Var_5)11 -0.0815427288  0.9216933    0.113599237 -0.71781053 0.47287412
#> factor(Var_5)12  0.0934829685  1.0979919    0.114770538  0.81452061 0.41534677
#> factor(Var_5)13  0.0508340238  1.0521482    0.114111051  0.44547853 0.65597397
#> factor(Var_5)14 -0.0722004220  0.9303444    0.115422244 -0.62553300 0.53162130
#> factor(Var_5)15  0.1086928534  1.1148199    0.115575343  0.94045019 0.34698669
#> Var_6           -0.0008249102  0.9991754    0.004057493 -0.20330540 0.83889633
#>                           95% CI
#> (Intercept)     [ -0.47 , 0.66 ]
#> Var_1              [ -0.01 , 0 ]
#> Var_2           [ -0.02 , 0.02 ]
#> factor(Var_4)1  [ -0.08 , 0.12 ]
#> factor(Var_4)2  [ -0.01 , 0.18 ]
#> factor(Var_5)1  [ -0.33 , 0.12 ]
#> factor(Var_5)2  [ -0.28 , 0.16 ]
#> factor(Var_5)3   [ -0.3 , 0.14 ]
#> factor(Var_5)4   [ -0.2 , 0.25 ]
#> factor(Var_5)5  [ -0.23 , 0.22 ]
#> factor(Var_5)6   [ -0.2 , 0.25 ]
#> factor(Var_5)7   [ -0.2 , 0.25 ]
#> factor(Var_5)8  [ -0.23 , 0.22 ]
#> factor(Var_5)9  [ -0.36 , 0.08 ]
#> factor(Var_5)10 [ -0.17 , 0.28 ]
#> factor(Var_5)11  [ -0.3 , 0.14 ]
#> factor(Var_5)12 [ -0.13 , 0.32 ]
#> factor(Var_5)13 [ -0.17 , 0.27 ]
#> factor(Var_5)14  [ -0.3 , 0.15 ]
#> factor(Var_5)15 [ -0.12 , 0.34 ]
#> Var_6           [ -0.01 , 0.01 ]
# Fitting Poisson Regression Model
pmodel <- drglm::big.drglm(da,
formula = Var_5 ~ Var_1+ Var_2+ factor(Var_3)+ factor(Var_4)+ Var_6,
10, family="poisson")
# View the results table
#>                     Estimate Odds Ratio standard error       z value   Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)     1.889610e+00  6.6167865              1  1.889610e+00 0.05881016
#> Var_1           1.209546e-05  1.0000121              1  1.209546e-05 0.99999035
#> Var_2           2.141166e-03  1.0021435              1  2.141166e-03 0.99829160
#> factor(Var_3)1  1.545550e-02  1.0155756              1  1.545550e-02 0.98766878
#> factor(Var_4)1 -1.155294e-02  0.9885135              1 -1.155294e-02 0.99078229
#> factor(Var_4)2 -5.857627e-03  0.9941595              1 -5.857627e-03 0.99532632
#> Var_6           1.656243e-03  1.0016576              1  1.656243e-03 0.99867851
#>                          95% CI
#> (Intercept)    [ -0.07 , 3.85 ]
#> Var_1          [ -1.96 , 1.96 ]
#> Var_2          [ -1.96 , 1.96 ]
#> factor(Var_3)1 [ -1.94 , 1.98 ]
#> factor(Var_4)1 [ -1.97 , 1.95 ]
#> factor(Var_4)2 [ -1.97 , 1.95 ]
#> Var_6          [ -1.96 , 1.96 ]